Monday, December 28, 2009

The Denim Jacket

I was at TJ's (T J Maxx) and found "The" Denim Jacket I've been searching for and it fit me... the brand was Lauren Jean Co. I had the "where with all" to purchase it but could not decide to do so.
While trying to make up my mind I continued to shop, doing so I ran across a fellow shopper; we were both looking for... after the holiday discounts.
Me being the cutely shopper that I am I admired her choice and gave her my humble opinion of what else would work with her choice. She said thank you. (smile) We continued shop looking... I helped her pick out towels for her son's new bathroom, we also discovered our mutual love for place settings, and that she nor I had a set of dishes with a Christmas pattern. She spoke of a recent family household move and her husband wanting to know how many sets of dishes did she have? She never said.
We disbursed, she went her way I went to take another look at the jacket... size and cost. Still trying to decided I took a bathroom break. I saw that my fellow shopper was still where I left her. Thinking to myself, if she is still there "looking at dishes" after my break I will get the jacket, if she is not I won't get the jacket.
She was still there, I have the Jacket and I am enjoying it very much... this started my quest for jackets - ten to eleven jackets later... but that's another adventure into shopping.

LOOK for : what shoes NOT to wear while shopping.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

yesterdays shopping adventure

We entered Books A Million. We were looking at the cheap books . She asked what do you think of this one??? I think it’s a good one, since it is the one I am currently reading right now. Someone looking on smirked and joined in and said, "maybe I should get this one too?" I said, " yes do, it is very good up to now, I am enjoying it."
She got the book and moved on continuing to look. So did we…realizing it was the same person on the next isle we were on, she said “library books' I assuming she meant hard back books, told her she should look at Goodwill. She said she knows, she gets a lot of her books there for a prison ministry she and her husband are apart of…….. however, they only take soft back books, so she takes her hardcover books to Goodwill herself…… I stated to her, "oh! I buy your books." We both saw the humor in this fact and had a wonderful laugh. Moments in time spent with people brought together by a common interest. Reading, ahhhh, a great adventure inside and out of a book.